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槟城人满意州政府吗?Chef Wan与司机对话网上爆红
作者: lostliew

(八打灵再也10日讯)大马名厨拿督旺师傅(Chef Wan),日前在社交媒体Instagram上载了一段视频,是他和一位德士司机的对话,德士司机在对话中透露了槟城人对州政府的满意。














My taxi conversation to airport now ..listen to what Penang is like now. True that a good governance of the state will speak by itself from the Tourist that visited our countries that kept saying how wonderful this old cities is and well preserved to the rakyat biasa yg menikmati secara apa yg di sediakan. Saya selalu percaya jika kita rajin berusaha and dont talk shit and Politicians should learned to stop putting each others down and worst this racist perkauman etc shit that make me rasa loya perhaps we can prosperous and make that big change! Rakyat sendiri hari ini boleh menilai segalanya what more all that filthy and sick game being stage up there! Only idiots and bad apples cannot see all this as masing2 ada agenda sendiri konon takut itu dan ini.. However if u are honest and just want to bring changes to this nation u will do it anyway despite all that propoganda yg kita lihat hari ini among all politicians…. naik meluat! Saya tak kiri dan tidak kanan. Saya sayang negara saya mau pun bangsa saya apa tah agama saya tetapi saya tak reti simpan dendam dan iri hati…. I just went to do what i need to do for my country despite others that refused to help me and put me down. Nak kata mulut saya jahat mulut dia lagi mcm longkang dan otak dia tu lagi jahat. If i expose this some day dia boleh gulung segala tikar bantal dia tu! Hee hee..

chef wan(@chefwan58)分享的貼文 於 2017 年 4月 月 5 6:41下午 PDT 張貼
