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今日是工藤静香49岁生日,光希在社交网上载她婴儿时期与妈妈的合照,并留言大赞工藤静香是“super mum”,相信爸爸木村拓哉有此伴侣是最幸运的人,打从心里感谢妈妈为自己所做的一切。


据了解,工藤静香近日忙于为6月12日推出的专辑《Deep Breath》录歌及拍宣传照,她拍摄宣传照时也不忘与女儿拍下母女照留念。这张专辑中,她会重新演绎多首名作,包括Ed Sheeran的《Shape of You Artist》及Adele的《Rumour Has It》等英文歌,并将于6月至7月期间举行11场巡回演唱会,全面重返乐坛。 


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Happy birthday mum  I am so grateful and lucky that I was born into this loving family and being able to have such a super mum! No matter what people say and no matter how people judge you, thank you so much for raising me with full of love and hope. I am so lucky to be able to have such an inspirational person as my mum. Thank you always for supporting me through everything. Thank you so much for the delicious food you cook for the family everyday. I think dad is the most luckiest man for having you as his partner ! I can’t describe in words how much “thank you” I want to say but mum, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart for everything. Love you so much!

Kōki, (@kokiofficial_0205) 分享的帖子 ·PDT 2019 年 4月 13 日 下午 5:35
