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作者: niki

(香港27日讯)39岁廖碧儿刚否认4年秘嫁法国波尔多酒庄富豪Charles Cazes,27日即在IG宣布与富二代卢启贤(Calvin)!


Many of u know that I don’t really talk about my personal matters but seeing the news lately, I feel it’s time I said a few words… First of all, I am not married and have never been married. Currently, I spend a good deal of my time alone. Relationships are difficult, I tried my best but as relationships are about two people, I was unable to make things work due to differences in expectations in a relationship. Hence, I have chosen my own adventures. We have had many great memories and will always remain close friends. I thank him for his care & support. Thank u to all my fans, friends, management, & family for being by my side & loving me unconditionally. I trust and believe in God’s plan for me…

A post shared by Bernice Liu (@berniceliuofficial) on Jul 26, 2018 at 9:08pm PDT
