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作者: kychia





据知,《大地回春》发生意外第2天是《Paskal》首映礼,当时脚伤留医的梁祖仪遗憾没能如期出席首映礼,《Paskal》监制姜志昂答应说,只要她一出院就会安排她看电影,结果姐妹淘陈俐杏、高艺、陈子颖、李浩菖和有份演出《PASKAL》的许亮宇浩浩荡荡陪她一起看电影。她表示,“没想到大马有这么强大的海军队伍,也能拍出这么严谨的制作,Good Job。”

✑ 原以為9月17號早上 是我有史以來最難忘的殺青日 大家不是笑著揮手道別 卻是在狼狽逃難中離別 但很感激 這段日子 彷彿大家從未離開過 無論是導演 德榮哥哥 公公婆婆 還是工作人員們 就連遠在橫店拍攝的家英哥 也幾乎每日問候 這個大家庭 整日守在彼此身邊 互相給予力量 一天一天這樣度過 來到了事發後的第25天 – 今天。 今天 再次穿上戲服 綁回辮子 鼓起了很大的勇氣 重新踏入大地村 聽著大家「樂兒 樂兒」這樣叫著 不一樣的 是褲子燒舊了 眼睫毛燒短了 雙腳穿襪子了 鞋子也都換了 整顆心 也不知是個怎樣的心情 感觸 害怕 激動 不捨 全參雜一起。 今天補拍很順利 大地村依舊美麗 這個「正式殺青」更是得來不易 再會了 我敬愛的「大地回春」團隊 卸下了樂兒 我會帶著戰績 快樂勇敢地前行 過了這關卡 我們都會繼續閃耀 ♡ #JLRecoveryDiary #JoeyLeongJournal #JoeyLeongxAmazingSpring #大地回春 #樂兒常樂

J O E Y L E O N G Ⓙ 梁 祖 仪(@joey_leong)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 10月 月 12 日 上午 4:34 張貼

So, it was my first outing after being hospitalized for 3 weeks. Yes, first outing, without a wheelchair. (To be honest, we all initially thought I need. While I was still in hospital, they promised to bring me out for movie in wheelchair & we joked around about having a chance to get half-priced ticket so why not) Well, I’m glad I can walk now, the whole day, with shoes on, in a huge mall, like everyone else. ♡ / It’s not only #JoPaulgirlies nor #Fawesomeeee this time, but also the #Paskal team – Kudos to the movie producer @cheeang for making such a brilliant piece of gold! And not forgetting my bro @henleyhii as the chinese lead in the show for his charming performance. / I screamed and cried. Pauline grabbed me in her arms while I covered my ears with both hands, when there was a fire scene where a navy’s legs got burned. Too quick, it was only 1 second and my tears were all over my face with my body shivering a little. Not sure if this is PTSD but I’m totally getting over it. Yes. / Felt so touched after watching this local movie: Paskal – an elite unit in Royal Malaysian Navy. Never knew Malaysia has such powerful military team, and bigger surprise is, never knew Malaysia’s film production is capable of making a movie like this. Putting all bits into this film ain’t easy at all. You gotta watch to understand what am I saying. It’s catching up to Tom Cruise’s standard man. Good job guys, good job Paskal ♡ #JLRecoveryDiary #JoeyLeongJournal

J O E Y L E O N G Ⓙ 梁 祖 仪(@joey_leong)分享的貼文 於 PDT 2018 年 10月 月 11 日 下午 9:25 張貼

