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该访问曝光后,麦当娜对报道颇有微词,她指这篇名为“60岁的麦当娜”(Madonna at Sixty)报道过度聚焦她的年龄,她认为自己若是男性,《纽时》就不会这么做。她在IG表示,撰稿报道的记者跟她相处了数个月,她邀请对方一窥一般人无法看见的世界,“没想到报道最后却聚焦琐碎及肤浅议题,例如我的种族甚至窗帘布。”


麦当娜告诉撰写这篇采访的记者维妮莎(Vanessa Grigoriadis),她2015年的专辑《Rebel Heart》提早外泄时,她“感觉像被强暴”。而这名记者在报道中写道:“用这种方式解释感觉不适合,现在的女性试着不用这种词打比方。” 

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Madame  on the cover of N.Y.T. Magazine photographed by my dear friend @jr……….Also sharing my fav photo that never made it in, along with pre-shoot chat and a celebratory glass of wine  after many hours of work! To say that I was disappointed in the article would be an understatement- It seems. You cant fix society And its endless need to diminish, Disparage or degrade that which they know is good. Especially strong independent women. The journalist who wrote this article spent days and hours and months with me and was invited into a world which many people dont get to see, but chose to focus on trivial and superficial matters such as the ethnicity of my stand in or the fabric of my curtains and never ending comments about my age which would never have been mentioned had I been a MAN! Women have a really hard time being the champions of other women even if. they are posing as intellectual feminists. Im sorry i spent 5 minutes with her. It makes me feel raped. And yes I’m allowed to use that analogy having been raped at the age of 19. Further proof that the venerable N.Y.T. Is one of the founding fathers of the Patriarchy. And I say—-DEATH TO THE PATRIARCHY woven deep into the fabric of Society. I will never stop fighting to eradicate it.

Madonna (@madonna) 分享的帖子 ·PDT 2019 年 6月 6 日 上午 5:58
