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蕾希拉柏除了参演《复仇者联盟4》外,还在《哥斯拉II:王者巨兽》(Godzilla: King of the Monsters)中饰演年轻的玛迪森,少女版则由《怪奇物语》(Stranger Things)女星米莉芭比布朗(Millie Bobby Brown)饰演。

(洛杉矶26日综合电)在《复仇者联盟4:终局之战》(Avengers: Endgame)中饰演钢铁人女儿的7岁童星蕾希拉柏(Lexi Rabe),在戏中凭一句“I love you 3000”而广为人知,是成名背后却让她在戏外承受许多不必要的压力。她的父母近来在其IG上传一段影片,指她不时在网上及公开场合遭到欺凌,就只是因为偶尔婉拒粉丝签名就被网民炮轰大头症,希望透过此短片呼吁停止一切对她的欺凌行为,蕾希拉柏在影片更表示“我只是个7岁的女孩。”不少网民感到心疼,纷纷转发并呼吁大家不要为难一个7岁的小女孩。


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I hate that we even have to post this. But yet again Lexi’s getting bullied. And this kind of thing makes it celebrities never want to leave the house never want to meet people. Please keep your opinions to yourself so Lexi can grow up in the free world. She’s a normal human being and she’s a child. We give her a talking and we give her timeouts but we don’t do that in public. Sometimes were rushing from place to place stressed like everyone else to get to set on time or work or whatever and we seem a little grumpy. I’m sorry if you see us this way but that’s life! If you ask us for an autograph we always almost say yes. If we happen to be having a bad day that might put us right on the right! We are not perfect! These perfect children are not being given the freedoms and the rights that they should. If your child is so scared to be themselves in public and mess up a little then you’re over parenting. We give our children plenty of rules and boundaries But then give them the freedoms to mess up and learn from their own mistakes. They would not be on set an on movies if they weren’t well behaved. Trust me they have no desire to hire kids like that! And there were plenty of children that productions can work with. So if you see us in public and think you have the right to judge. Wait. Number one until you have children of your own, and Number two realize that we’re not perfect and we’re not claiming to be! But just try to realize the different strokes for different folks what you do with your kids may work for you and what I do with my kids works well for me. My children love me and respect me even if they act out sometimes. Thank you! Jessica!

Lexi Rabe (@lexi_rabe) 分享的帖子 ·PDT 2019 年 6月 21 日 下午 3:31



蕾希拉柏的短片发布后累计超过23万人观看,不少人留言为她打气,还打趣指复仇者是时候集结,一齐对抗欺凌。不少粉丝都帮忙检举负面留言,部份留言已遭到删除。蕾希拉柏还找来“钢铁人爸爸”小罗拔道尼(Robert Downey Jr.)“帮手”,警告如果再有欺凌言论出现时,请帮手检举这些用户。


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THANKS for ALL your SUPPORT! If you see someone saying unkind things….PLEASE report their account to @instagram . It takes a village!

Lexi Rabe (@lexi_rabe) 分享的帖子 ·PDT 2019 年 6月 21 日 下午 6:45
