6:41pm 09/05/2021
No hope for ‘this’ Malaysia

By Prof Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi

Malaysia, as we know it, is dead. There is no more life to it. Any hope to correct its civil institution, its education institution and its political institution bears no more exercise for resuscitation.

A police chief of the highest rank exposed inappropriate behaviors of politicians and senior officers in the police force but there is no action from the highest authorities of the land.

A girl makes a revelation of a heinous rape joke, not only there is no reaction from the religious clerics holding the highest positions of authority, there seems to be very slow reaction on the teaching profession and the education authority. The girl is further harassed by her teachers, schoolmates and netizens of her own race and religion for not wearing the tudung and exposing her aurat.

This is a clear example of a bankrupt religious morality as Islamic groups stay silent and so does the religious authorities.

A book on Christian threat by an official religious department is left unchallenged by 20 public universities, Islamic Reformist NGOs and Islamic political parties. A young Chinese hooligan gangster with a Datukship escapes the authorities because of alleged tips from his vast network of insider police personnel alleged to be under his salary scheme.

No official reaction of Royal Commissions are in the pipeline for any of these milestones of social, educational and political destruction.

This Malaysia that is sixty something years old has suffered its final heart attack and is now, from my stand point, officially dead. The old heart is damaged beyond repair. I will not spend the remainder of my life trying to revive or fix this old heart. Let it die.

What I think all Malaysians can do is to replace the heart with one that comes from our own special recipe of mutual acceptance, understanding and kindness as a family of 40 ethnic group. We must rebuild Malaysia within the Malaysia that has died by creating our own education system, our own 'political management' and our own social and religious institutions.

We should by-pass the old systems and construct new ones. We must build our own schools, our own universities, our own religious co-operations and our own economic and welfare programs. We will plant our own seeds in our own way and live our own life together as a small community of conscious beings who are a citizens of an 'inner Malaysia'.

I will write and outline my ideas for our own new school system. We will create a school where our children are the absolute priority, not the reputation of the school or its head teachers. We will have a school that is completely safe from rape jokes and insensitive remarks of any kind that will not be tolerated at all. We will educate our students to be global citizens with acceptance of other faiths and cultures as it primary goal and kindness to others as its anchor of humanity.

I will outline the curriculum that will achieve this end and Malaysians can take that framework and build it into a real entity of hope for our children's future. Our new school will use part face to face learning, part online learning and part community building while spending only a few hours and a few days in a building. I will take the best school teaching methods and philosophy offered by the world and blend it into a Malaysian and a global construct.

I will write on how we can build an online university program that would benefit mankind. This university will float in cyberspace and forego any evaluation that has been created by this country that would drag it into a mediocre, repetitive and meaningless exercise of certification upon certification.

The university I envisioned will be evaluated by the very best in the world and by the most humanistic personalities that mankind has produced. This online platform will use modules of the best teachers and professors the world has to offer.

I seek to create a graduate who appreciate all cultures and faiths and not perform a Nazi salute to kill a whole race. I seek to create graduates who would use human suffering as an idea impetus to provide sustainable solutions to humanity while creating wealth that would benefit all. I seek students who will question all their inherited and packaged learning even of my own philosophy so that they can construct their own brands of truth, reality and futures from the shades and shadows of my thoughts and that of others.

I will write about a new housing concept that would reengineer our communities into a truer version of our nation as envisioned by our forefathers and beyond.

The housing I envision will have religious groups and buildings that would celebrate all the important dates of all religions in respectful and open manner. There are no enemies in our new community but citizens of kindness, acceptance and respect for each other. We would have our own welfare fund to help all the needy in our new community. We will formulate a new security personnel that would be courteous, diligent, forgiving but fair and strict within contexts. We will have a community consultative body elected by our own community members to help and nurture all the members to be successful socially, economically and spiritually.

This Malaysia is dead. From its stinking carcass, we will raise a new bud of hope for the future. It is time to relinquish our energy on the old, bigoted and extremist concept of Malaysia and reengineer a new kind of politics, a new kind of people and a new kind of nation where all citizens depend on one another and all warganegara respect and love one another as humble beings of awakened consciousness, none better than the other but all needing each other.

Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, in the horizon gleams the dawn of a new hope, a new Malaysia for all.

(Professor Dr. Mohd Tajuddin Mohd Rasdi is Professor at a local university.)



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